Friday, May 16, 2008

Starting DBCA

Learn Oracle - Starting DBCA

To launch DBCA on the Windows operating system use the following procedure:

1. Log onto your computer as a member of the administrative group that is authorized to install Oracle software and create and run the database.

2. To launch DBCA on a Windows operating system select the following: Start > Programs > Oracle - home_name > Configuration and Migration Tools > Database Configuration Assistant To launch the DBCA on a UNIX, or as another method on a Windows operating system, enter the following at a command prompt: dbca which is typically found in $ORACLE_HOME/bin. The Welcome page appears.

3. Click Next to continue. Using DBCA to Create a Database Select Create a Database on the DBCA Operations page to begin a wizard that enables Oracle DBA to configure and create a database.

During the interview, Oracle DBA are asked for your input on the following:

Learn oracle - Database Templates

Learn oracle - Database Identification

Learn oracle - Management Options

Learn oracle - Database Credentials

Learn oracle - Storage Options

Learn oracle - Database File Locations

Learn oracle - Recovery Configuration

Learn oracle - Database Content

Learn oracle - Initialization Parameters

Learn oracle - Database Storage

Learn oracle - Creation Options

Note that most pages of the wizard provide a default setting that Oracle DBA can accept. To accept all the default parameters, Oracle DBA can click Finish at any step. Database Templates This page enables Oracle DBA to select the type of database Oracle DBA want to create.

By default, Oracle Corporation ships pre-defined templates. There are templates for Data Warehouse, General Purpose, and Transaction Processing databases. The templates contain settings optimized for workload. Click Show Details to see the configuration for each type of database. Choose the template suited to the type of workload your database will support.

If Oracle DBA are not sure, select the default General Purpose template. For more complex environments, Oracle DBA may want to select the Custom Database option. This will result in a more extensive interview and it will take longer to create your database, since a database creation script must be run.

Read the complete article at